Saturday, 11 May 2013

Project 8 - Mirrors

For this project I decided to go into my mindset and find out what makes me the person that I am today. This is a very personal project I feel. As I will be going into my past and to be honest it is not a very comfortable subject for me to talk about so forgive me for being vague but I just do not want to share in full, about my past.

This post is more of a diary entry summing a huge chunk of my life and putting into perspective and understanding why these particular events that have happened have made me this way and how these previous 7 projects have led me up to this point in where I create an entirely personal piece.

I started to research about how growing up under different circumstances have an overall effect about you as a person. Meaning so when you grow up your personality will reflect your upbringing in a way that dictates your emotions so to speak. I therefore understood what kind of a person I am and the way I think, so because of this, these 8 projects I can relate to as a form of growing up, a transition if you will.

Starting from the very first project all the way to this final project I feel like the transition that has happened is like; us going from a small child all the way to an adult. That does not mean I did not work hard, I did. What I am getting at here with each project I learnt something new. Even if I did somewhat 'Screw' up, but that is not the point and that is clearly subjective. Due to my ever learning nature I still progressed to the next project taking into account what I have learnt from the previous projects. Thus learning from my mistakes.

This final project is something totally different as I have read in between the lines of the brief. I feel as if this is a summation of this whole Graphic Design year. I decided to reflect it on my process of my upbringing meaning, going from child to an understanding, mature adult. This whole year I have changed and this project puts it into perspective on how much I have changed positively.

This is what I have created. Using the outline of my name I filled the innards with my personality, attributes and my attitude through out life. To give you an understanding of what kind of a person I am and how I go about thinking/progressing with these projects.   

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Project 7 what is Graphic Design.

For this project we had to design a brief essentially. So I set out to find out what I think graphic design is.

What I Zamanur Quadir perceive graphic design to be.

Graphic design is difficult to decipher as it means a whole lot of things to a whole lot of people. There is not a fixed term for what it means, because what one person may perceive to believe what is graphic design differs with another person and that's what is so special about this whole subject. Not only is about different people interacting with one another with difference of opinions (social discourse), but coming together to produce work. Does not matter if it is good or bad as it provides a unique learning experience and sometimes friendships between colleagues. I understand that In the professional world you may not like what you have produced but your employers will, thus you will get paid. So what Do I believe Graphic design is?

Is it about creating the ultimate masterpiece? No
Is it about completing a project to its fullest? No
Is it about show casing all your skills? No

I rejected all these answers and instead I formed my own well evaluated answer. Its about the meaning, the thought, the value that goes into construction of the work, as well as using the correct skills to execute that particular project, and it is about the body of work you build through out your career, life even and can date back to previous projects. Thus Creating a never ending archive of work which consists of previous and ongoing projects which you may perceive to be completed but it is evidently not as I and many others refer back to previous pieces of work to gain ideas and inspirations and see how the mindset I had applied for that project could be applied to a more recent project that you/I may be working on or going to work on. Essentially your back tracking to see what else can be salvaged from a previous project by over going that projects full body of working. Meaning planning/concept stages, research/inspiration stages and production stages.

It also believe that Graphic design is also a means of a social discourse even becoming or already is an ideology. Where people from all parts of the globe connect and come together learn about themselves as a person, to improve one's self, socially and academically i.e. Skills. To learn about how they see the world through their eyes and understand why they view the world in this way and change it if they want to. Learn about other people and their interests and their backgrounds. To assemble a group of colleagues or friends who are best suited to working with you have a very good Graphic design working experience.

What I am saying is that Graphic design is a subject open to interpretations, the variety of meanings is the equivalent of how we as human beings are all different individuals with different mindsets, strengths and weaknesses. Anyone can come across it/study it in their own way and come out with a different meaning about what is Graphic design. It's not a subject that has to be defined by using 'Buzz words' e.g. "all about computer skills". Although one could define it to that meaning if he/she wishes.

Just remember that ones view on Graphic design will be different to others and does not mean that either of you are right or wrong. As there is no right or wrong answer in the world of graphic design just an archive of all the work that you have documented from the beginning through your career or life even. It is only when you leave the world of graphic design then your piece/pieces of work can be truly finished. 

I choose red with a slight gradient as the background color as red is very eye catching and immediately draws attention. A question in mark in black makes it ask you " do you agree with my opinion of what graphic design is?"

After the first week feedback I found out I was little vague with my idea so therefore I went back to the drawing board and came up with this well explained brief to be giving out to other students to think in a way as such that mirrors my belief of what I think graphic design is and how to be prepared in the real world.

Fonts used: Prestige Elite STD for title and end quote. Latha font used for main body of text.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Project 6 - A disaster waiting to happen

This is my A4 two spot colour 8 page catalogue I created with Jason copping.
The disaster is that there is a full scale zombie apocalypse and the future of mankind is at stake. If all is lost man kind will cease to exist. This catalogue has everything you need to know/learn in order to survive and understand what is happening/soon to happen if you are not careful.

We decided to go for A4 as this suited its purpose best, like a leaflet layout. The layout itself was rather tricky to design around but helped create the piece of work into to its own style. Same with the images, the fact that we were limited two spot color (duo-tones for images) only, it made for something unique to be created. As I was not sure of how it looked we stuck to the brief and in the end we are happy with the results as it now has its own unique style which can be associated with our work.

The colors we choose are black and red because 'zombies' are usually associated with dark, suffering and misery(black color), along with blood, danger and fear (red color).

The pages may look muddled up but fear not that this is what we had to deal with during the In design process/ we had to take this into consideration so when we go to actually print and create this it all comes together in working order as it should.

pages (front cover (right) and back cover(left)).

Page 2 and 7

pages 6 and 3

pages 4 and 5

The ZDAY Disaster update!


Important update! the survivors who wrote out the Zday survival guide have gone missing and are no where to be located. Hence in reading their guide do not go to their location I repeat do not go to their location they have been compromised. Just remember the basics they have taught you within their guide to survive this epidemic, and also use your common sense and you shall survive long enough for a rescue(hopefully). Do not come to my location either I myself am struggling to survive in my location which I am not going to disclose for yours and my safety.


As of now we have lost all telecommunication to the outside world and looks like our little island is doomed, England and its surrounding countries well soon be perished unless we get rescued or someone is able to find a cure. As of now we have no idea if anyone even reads this and comes to our rescue, or what our government has plans to put in place to help eradicate our country of zombies. Those zombies are extremely fast and some how they are able to hear even the most subtle noises. If you are looking to get past a few zombies, throw something to get their attention and then run for it to where ever you may be going. Just remember no where is safe and they hide very well.


Those things (zombies) are starting to eat one another! what? how? Guess one must do what they need to do in order to survive. This is disgusting but I think I have discovered their weakness. THEIR HUNGER!!!! Its obvious these zombies are struggling more and more to find living human flesh to feast on. So they resort to eating one another, similar to what animals do. I guess we can starve them out hopefully? either way I am starting to run low on supplies and with no sign of help insight I don't know how long I can last. I can hopefully make it 2 weeks before I run out completely. They should reduce in numbers by that time so I might be able to get the courage to go and rummage for supplies.

18/03/2013  12:56pm

Fucking Christ! I have been bitten and just managed to make it back to my hideout. Guess my plans on getting out of here to scavenge for supplies ended horribly. It is only a matter of hours before I become one of them. I feel their hunger, the thirst its getting stronger. I must rest feel sleepy goodnight mommy.

4:35pm same day

My brain, My mind leaving me make it hard to read, see, and write. Should I kill me or be zombie Argh body hurts!

My dearest Maria
              Daddy not feeling good, if you see me I always love you and take care of mummy. Do not find me I be zombie when you read this. Kill me if you love me. Hope you or someone read this bye xxxxx.

I see a.......Yummy dog.....Killed dog........ Itchy.... Tasty........

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Project 5 - Game Plan

I told my group (Emeka & Jason) to create their own individual game concepts and then later we can in cooperate each others ideas into one big refined better concept.

Street Life Gamble
Age over 18+
Players 2-8

This the game concept I came up with on my own. It has a gambling essence as the currency of this game is your own currency meaning your real life money. With minimum entry of £1 and no restrictions on max entry it provides a fun and rewarding experience through this game of chance. I thought I break the game board conventions of a big square and opted for a unique oblong for the main part of the board. There is a separate part of the board but that is used to hold the money that is accumulated through out the game from the initial 30% start up from all player, mugger and rent spaces players will be landing on. This acts as one aspect of the reward you get for finishing the game. More is detailed in the rules and regulations.

I came up with this idea from playing monopoly and other various  board games and card games. I decided to make real money the currency in this game as I took that element from gambling such as poker and 21 etc. Also made it refer to real life occurrences such as being mugged, paying rent and signing on which these spaces can be landed on.

It provides a fresh new fun gambling experience that people are always looking for.

This was Jason copping idea.

Granddad's Ashes Rules

Number Of Players: 2 - 4
Age Rating: 4 +

The rules to Granddad's Ashes are as follows:
All players upon starting the game receive between 5 - 10 poker chips ( all players will have the same amount to make it fair.) The objective of the game is to throw poker chips into the Urn with one throw per turn. If one of the poker chips lands on the green ( the grass ) or on the urn but not in that player gets to throw again. If the poker chip goes in or lands outside the green area it is the adjacent players turn. The game continues until one player has thrown all they're poker chips into the urn once this has been done that player wins. 

After a group meeting we decided this was not the game we was going to run with so we developed an educational game appealing to people from a young age all the way to the elderly. This will mean are game is easily accessible and therefor sell in great numbers as it is an entertaining educational math game, designed to test quick math skills and mental arithmetic.

This is the idea the whole team worked on after I suggested the idea we all worked on it and created a fun educational math game called roll em up. This will encourage and nurture mathematical skills as well quick on the spot mental arithmetic which is important in most professions and getting good grades in school etc.

Final Group Designed game.

Rules Of Roll Em Up ( Game )
Number Of Players: 2 +
Age Rating: 10 +

First you will need:
1 x Piece Of Paper
1x Pen or Pencil
1x 19 Sided Die ( Included in set )
The rules for Roll Em Up are as follows:

First you take an ordinary piece of A4 paper ( preferably A4 as its about the right size for adding the scores )to use as a scoreboard then write down  with the pen or pencil the names of said players that will be playing the game.

Pick one of the people playing to start the game. The first person rolls the 19 sided die  and writes down the result, Next the second player rolls the die and writes down their result and so on and so fourth until all players have done this. There will be a set time limit ( e.g 10 minutes, 20, minutes, 1hr e.c.t ) each player takes it in turns rolling the die at the end of the time limit all the numbers rolled are added up ( You may use a calculator for this ) and the person with the highest score wins. If there's a draw it goes to sudden death till one person rolls higher than the other.

enjoy some images of the how game is played.

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Project 4 Brand New

There was two parts to this project 1. make a business card.
2. invent something unique.

1. Here is my business card. It is design to replicate part of a controller and is embossed with very light buttons. Which has written on them real life actions relating to my profession. On the flip side is all the necessary information on how to contact me and what my profession is.

2. This is what I have invented it is called a PS3 trophy card. How it works; this card works by updating all your trophies into this card which can be updated with every trophy you earn, by going to your local game shop to update. How it rewards you (USP) The PlayStation trophy card gives you access to discounts, exclusive DLC (downloadable content), exclusive beta's and Vip access during popular gaming events such as E3 and GamesCom. This means you can now finally be rewarded in the real world for earning trophies.

I also made a promotional flyer to go with it. The flyer has all the neccassary information about the ps3 trophy card and how it works and reward system. The more trophies you get the better rewards you get.
The font used is called PhatBoy Slim, its the same font used on the official Sony PlayStation 3 consoles.

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Quote Poster (brief 3)

Pablo Picasso-

Pablo Ruiz y Picasso, known as Pablo Picasso, born on 25 October 1881 died 8 April 1973. He was a Spanish painter, sculptor, print maker, ceramicist, and stage designer who spent most of his adult life in France. As one of the greatest and most influential artists of the 20th century, he is widely known for co-founding the Cubist movement, the invention of constructed sculpture, the co-invention of collage, and for the wide variety of styles that he helped develop and explore.

The quote I was given was: "Give me a museum, and I'll fill it." My interpretation of this quote is simple give me a chance and I will not disappoint.

From what I have seen he works manually. So I decided to reflect this ability in my
poster, by using a elegant handwritten typeface called Aspire. I believe it fits this context well not just because it is a elegant typeface and also because it its name it gives connotations of achievement. So therefore the quote fills up the main space of the poster and all the letters and ligatures fit around the quote as a boarder, to give my poster boundaries just as Picasso would of had to, could say I that I have given my quote 3 walls as opposed to four, in doing this I am allowing a section of the poster to be opened as a sense of entry point required to view the poster.

The T-shirt (Wearing)

The T-shirt (not wearing)

The Billboard

Quote poster 2nd attempt (Improvement).

I made improvements to the initial poster based on the feedback i received. I therefore done more extensive research of Picasso and his work and came up with this designed quote poster. Which works well as it fuses with hes work and his quote, which previously just fused with his quote only and not his work.

Reworked essay segment.
Pablo Picasso‐
Pablo Ruiz y Picasso, known as Pablo Picasso, born on 25 October 1881 died 8 April
1973. He was a Spanish painter, sculptor, print maker, ceramicist, and stage designer
who spent most of his adult life in France. As one of the greatest and most influential
artists of the 20th century, he is widely known for co‐founding the Cubist movement,
the invention of constructed sculpture, the co‐invention of collage, and for the wide
variety of styles that he helped develop and explore.

The quote I was given was: "Give me a museum, and I'll fill it." My interpretation of this
quote is simple give me a chance and I will not disappoint.
From what I have seen he works manually. so I decided to reflect this ability in my
poster, by using a elegant handwritten typeface called Aspire. I believe it fits this context
well not just because it is a elegant typeface and also because it its name it gives
connotations of achievement. So therefore the quote fills up the main space of the poster and I have added colour and a few shapes. Which where there put together on the text and I moved each individual section to create distort look much similar to his real life work. So it becomes known as he's quote poster more distinctly.

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Project 2 Chance or fate ?

We had a number of different ideas plying in our heads, such as live interviewing each other and making a text based leaflet, but in the end we decided to do a radio station type online recording. We studied how they approach this online by using simple stills of the people talking, and the audio of them expressing there opinions relating to the matter at hand, so we went with this concept. As it allowed us to express our opinion in a very serious and direct manor and capture the emotion of each speaker clearly. Simple but effective. 

 We got feedback which was very informative like why didn't we ask each other the same questions? this would of helped to improve this piece if we were to do so. So we redone it.