Sunday, 9 December 2012

Project 4 Brand New

There was two parts to this project 1. make a business card.
2. invent something unique.

1. Here is my business card. It is design to replicate part of a controller and is embossed with very light buttons. Which has written on them real life actions relating to my profession. On the flip side is all the necessary information on how to contact me and what my profession is.

2. This is what I have invented it is called a PS3 trophy card. How it works; this card works by updating all your trophies into this card which can be updated with every trophy you earn, by going to your local game shop to update. How it rewards you (USP) The PlayStation trophy card gives you access to discounts, exclusive DLC (downloadable content), exclusive beta's and Vip access during popular gaming events such as E3 and GamesCom. This means you can now finally be rewarded in the real world for earning trophies.

I also made a promotional flyer to go with it. The flyer has all the neccassary information about the ps3 trophy card and how it works and reward system. The more trophies you get the better rewards you get.
The font used is called PhatBoy Slim, its the same font used on the official Sony PlayStation 3 consoles.