Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Project 7 what is Graphic Design.

For this project we had to design a brief essentially. So I set out to find out what I think graphic design is.

What I Zamanur Quadir perceive graphic design to be.

Graphic design is difficult to decipher as it means a whole lot of things to a whole lot of people. There is not a fixed term for what it means, because what one person may perceive to believe what is graphic design differs with another person and that's what is so special about this whole subject. Not only is about different people interacting with one another with difference of opinions (social discourse), but coming together to produce work. Does not matter if it is good or bad as it provides a unique learning experience and sometimes friendships between colleagues. I understand that In the professional world you may not like what you have produced but your employers will, thus you will get paid. So what Do I believe Graphic design is?

Is it about creating the ultimate masterpiece? No
Is it about completing a project to its fullest? No
Is it about show casing all your skills? No

I rejected all these answers and instead I formed my own well evaluated answer. Its about the meaning, the thought, the value that goes into construction of the work, as well as using the correct skills to execute that particular project, and it is about the body of work you build through out your career, life even and can date back to previous projects. Thus Creating a never ending archive of work which consists of previous and ongoing projects which you may perceive to be completed but it is evidently not as I and many others refer back to previous pieces of work to gain ideas and inspirations and see how the mindset I had applied for that project could be applied to a more recent project that you/I may be working on or going to work on. Essentially your back tracking to see what else can be salvaged from a previous project by over going that projects full body of working. Meaning planning/concept stages, research/inspiration stages and production stages.

It also believe that Graphic design is also a means of a social discourse even becoming or already is an ideology. Where people from all parts of the globe connect and come together learn about themselves as a person, to improve one's self, socially and academically i.e. Skills. To learn about how they see the world through their eyes and understand why they view the world in this way and change it if they want to. Learn about other people and their interests and their backgrounds. To assemble a group of colleagues or friends who are best suited to working with you have a very good Graphic design working experience.

What I am saying is that Graphic design is a subject open to interpretations, the variety of meanings is the equivalent of how we as human beings are all different individuals with different mindsets, strengths and weaknesses. Anyone can come across it/study it in their own way and come out with a different meaning about what is Graphic design. It's not a subject that has to be defined by using 'Buzz words' e.g. "all about computer skills". Although one could define it to that meaning if he/she wishes.

Just remember that ones view on Graphic design will be different to others and does not mean that either of you are right or wrong. As there is no right or wrong answer in the world of graphic design just an archive of all the work that you have documented from the beginning through your career or life even. It is only when you leave the world of graphic design then your piece/pieces of work can be truly finished. 

I choose red with a slight gradient as the background color as red is very eye catching and immediately draws attention. A question in mark in black makes it ask you " do you agree with my opinion of what graphic design is?"

After the first week feedback I found out I was little vague with my idea so therefore I went back to the drawing board and came up with this well explained brief to be giving out to other students to think in a way as such that mirrors my belief of what I think graphic design is and how to be prepared in the real world.

Fonts used: Prestige Elite STD for title and end quote. Latha font used for main body of text.